Older Sermons
Below are links to
past sermons. We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy providing
them to you.
Sermons - Pastor Larry Farrell
Baptist Men's Day January 31st 2016
Homecoming October 11th 2015
Revival September 20th - 23rd 2015 with Rev. Rocky Smith
Rocky and Gail Smith
Guest Speakers
Sermons - Pastor Lee Cook
Baptist Men's Day January 25st 2015
Sermons from the Book of Hebrews - Pastor Lee Cook
Homecoming October 12st 2014
Sermons from the Caswell Community Revival
September 28th - October 1st 2014
Sermons - Pastor Lee Cook
Guest Speakers
Revival March 2nd - 5th 2014 with Dr. Troy Rust
Five Purposes of the Church